Yemen Standardization Metrology & Quality Control Organization (YSMO) is the sole responsible body for preparing and developing standards as well as managing all other related standards activities in the Republic of Yemen (ROY).
Yemen Standardization Metrology & Quality Control Organization (YSMO) was founded as per the Republic Decree (No. 52/2000) which clearly stipulated YSMO’s objectives, responsibilities, tasks and mission. The Decree was issued a year following the issuance of Law No. (44/1999) regarding specifications, standardization and quality assurance and control. Both the Decree and Law constituted the basic legislative infrastructure for YSMO’s operations and provision of its services.
Yemen Standardization Metrology & Quality Control Organization (YSMO)
Yemen Standardization Metrology & Quality Control Organization
Khor Makser, Aden, The Temporary Capital, Republic of Yemen
Tel: 00967-02-230-973 Fax: 00967-02-230-970 E-mail: Website: