SMIIC MC Training on Dissemination of Kilogram Unit According to the New Definition
The 43st SMIIC MC Training within the SMIIC MC Work Plan 2021 – 2023 V3 was the Training on Dissemination of Kilogram Unit According to the New Definition that took place on the 18 September 2023 virtually, technically hosted by SMIIC General Secretariat. 18 experts participated in the training.
The training was hosted by NMI: Tübitak UME – Türkiye
General Description: The training covers the recommendation on the dissemination of kilogram unit according to the new definition
Objective, expected outcome: To provide knowledge in dissemination of kilogram unit according to the new definition
Who should attend: The training would be attended by staff working in Mass Laboratories at the level of National Metrology Institutes and Secondary Level Calibration Laboratories
Note on the impact of the beginning of Phase 2 of the kilogram dissemination process on BIPM mass calibrations
CCM detailed note on the dissemination process after the redefinition of the kilogram
Calculation of the Consensus Value for the Kilogram 2023
Duration of training: 18 September 2023
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Beste KORUTLU (
Time Schedule: 10:30 – 13:00
- New Definition Kilogram Unit
- The Realization of Kilogram
- Four Phases of Dissemination
- Action Required based on the Consensus Value for the Kilogram in 2023